Susan Crockett
A Lifetime of Art
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About Susan
Crayon Fun - 1983
Oil Paintings
Lithographs and Etchings
Silkscreens, Woodcuts and Pastels
Sketches and Drawings
Cakepeople Ornaments
The Oxford Sketchbook
Some Early Works 1969-1977
Colored Doodles
Photos of Suzie
Movies of Suzie
Gathering in May
Sites to Check Out
Photos of Suzie
Photos of Suzie with friends, at work and at home.
Suzie - 1978
Suzie and Petunia - Maryland - 1995
Suzie - 1993
Suz and Bob with Camera
Suzie setting up a Shot
Christmas Tree- Close Shot
Posing in the Dining Room
Christmas 2009
Suzie with Edgar- Christmas 2009
Blizzard of February 2009
Suzie at Home- January 2009
Big Blizzard of February 2010 Number 1
Big Blizzard of February 2010 Number 2
Suzie in Front Yard - Spring 2009
Front Porch - Summer of 2010
Suzie in Clinton, New York - August 2010
Suzie with Greta in the Snow
Suzie and Leslie Anderson, Oxford, England - 1974
Suzie in Oxford - 1974
Suzie at Lamb and Flag Lane, Oxford, England - 1974
Suzie at Wellington Square, Oxford
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